the weaver award 2023 – poetry, prayer & hymn competition

The Hamingja Foundation has now announced its new annual poetry/hymn/prayer /mantra competition – the Weaver Award!

The importance of poetry , hymns & prayers within Indo-European spirituality can’t be overestimated. The poet/ skald / bard etc is also the weaver, smith & artisan contributing to the multiplication & adornment of Xartus. Indo-European pagan peoples expressed beauty through words – better than anyone else around them. It is also the words – passed down in an oral tradition – that uphold imperishable glory and immortality. Poetry was a part of every public ritual and feast, and several IE peoples had poetry (and drama) competitions – poetry was in fact a part of the #OlympicGames from antiquity until as late as 1948!
There will therefore be an annual competition for poetry, hymns, prayers, mantras etc. The laureate will get

  • The honor of being the reigning Weaver champion
  • A bottle of ash from our very first sacrifice to the Striker, for you to place on an #altar or pour in the garden for better growth etc. Where theres’ ash there’s honor!
  • Get his/her text read in the Hamingja podcast

– The text has to be your own creation – nothing borrowed nor AI created
– It has to be spiritual. Not necessarily addressing a specific deity, but it’s gotta be within the IE spiritual realm – eg a prayer, celebration of a hero/ancestor, worship of a deity, bragging text or even an oath.
– Your text has to be written in English
– Metre, rhythm, rhymes, beauty, finesse etc will get you bonus points (but not a must)
– You have to be willing to show the text publicly
– The text has to be finished before May 31st

Contact us here, on Instagram, in an email or in our Discord server to submit your contribution!

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